Monday, September 25, 2006

Community of Music

My apologies for sporatic posting at best. Hectic work and an apartment move have limited my time to devote and access to this blog. Regular posting will resume soon.

As I write this, I'm watching Green Day and U2 play for a cheering Superdome.

I always struck when I'm attending a live concert of the power of music to unite the diverse audience for even a short amount of time. Whether its singing along with the person next to you, or even swaying in time to the music, there is a common bond created through the power of music.

This really has been the first time that I've felt that same feeling through a television screen. I'm sure part of my experience has to do with the common connection we all feel in some way to the aftermath of Katrina through these same screens, and I'm sure part of it has to do with the fond memories I have of New Orleans and the Superdome in particular.

You can sense the possiblity that the music and the venue combine to raise to the heavens as the city struggles to move forward.

In a city so firmly entrenched in the tradition of music, it is fully appropriate that the healing incorporate music.

Please feel free to share your own experience with the power of music to bind us together in the comments.


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